Only one life, 'twill soon be past,
only what's done for Christ will last.
And when I am dying, how happy I'll be,
if the lamp of my life has been burned out for Thee.
Today in church, I thought of our recent medical mission to Uganda and the wonderful group of folks that I had the opportunity to share this experience with. We are currently in a series from the book of Ephesians. For the past 3 weeks or so we have been fleshing out this tremendous passage:
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. (Eph 5:15-17)
I for one realize, although perhaps not as often as I should, that we have a very finite time on this earth. The Bible would liken it to a "vapor" or a flower whose beauty is fading with the inevitable passage of time. This Scripture and the Bible as a whole would encourage us not to walk foolishly or unwisely. We are to be very intentional and careful about how we walk and how we spend our time. We are encouraged to make the absolute best use of time that we can while we have time at all.
As I was showing the pictures from the trip to Kiburara, Uganda in the service this morning, my heart was taken back to that small town, to the faces we met, to the mud-walled church with the tin roof, and to a people that God loves and Christ died for. I could not help feeling that those 2 weeks were a most effective use of time as we walked out the meaning of compassion and the gospel in a tangible way. My heart is somewhat knit with those people and the call of missions abroad. Though it was difficult to leave my family, I would go again tomorrow if it could be so.
Some of Jesus' last words to His disciples and indeed to us as well were, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." (Mat 28:19-20) In this familiar passage, Jesus tells us specifically how to make the most effective use of the time we have. It's about going to the nations. It's about seeing the power of God as He saves people. It's about baptizing new converts. It's about sharing the gospel through the word of God.
While my suitcase may still be somewhat packed in the corner of my bedroom, awaiting the next plane and opportunity to go abroad, the need for the gospel in my own neighborhood is still an ever present reality. We are not to leave the message of salvation for another nation. If I look around, and I don't have to hard, there is a "nation" of folks around me that are in need of the very same gospel...of the very same message that saves....of the very same Christ.
So let's make the most effective use of every second, minute and hour that we have.. Let us "preach the word in season and out of season" (2Tim 4:2)...or in another nation and in our own neighborhoods.
Let us redeem the time we have.
"When I stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ.
And He shows His plan for me,
The plan of my life as it might have been,
Had He had His way, and I see
How I blocked Him here, and checked Him there,
And I would not yield my will,
Will there be grief in my Savior's eyes,
Grief though He loves me still?
Would He have me rich and I stand there poor,
Stripped of all but His grace,
While memory runs like a hunted thing,
Down the paths I cannot retrace.
Lord, of the years that are left to me,
I give them to Thy hand.
Take me and break me and mold me,
To the pattern that Thou hast planned!"
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