At the 2007 Missionary Medicine Seminar, Dr. Bob Cropsey, a missionary surgeon from Togo, presented an excellent 3 minute video of quotes from missionaries, theologians, and others that lays the foundation for why Christians should be serving in medical missions. Watch this and be encouraged about your missionary endeavor.
At the 2007 Missionary Medicine Seminar, Dr. Bob Cropsey, a missionary surgeon from Togo, presented an excellent 3 minute video of quotes from missionaries, theologians, and others that lays the foundation for why Christians should be serving in medical missions. Watch this and be encouraged about your missionary endeavor.
Quotes from missionaries and about missions abound on the web. Great for donation letters, thank you cards, and mission presentations. Here are a few:MISSION QUOTES #1,MISSION QUOTES #2,MISSION QUOTES #3,MISSION QUOTES #4

Recognizing the need for Third World-oriented Continuing Medical Education (CME), Samaritan's Purse / World Medical Missions, Inc. created the Missionary Medicine Seminar in 1996 with the intent to prepare physicians, dentists, nurses, and other allied healthcare professionals for volunteer service at missionary hospitals around the world. Each seminar is designed to equip course participants with the essential knowledge necessary to appropriately manage common disease processes and injuries, even if this means crossing medical disciplines. Emphasis is placed on the practical aspects of diagnosis and treatment using limited resources. The Missionary Medicine Seminar takes place each October as part of the Prescription for Renewal conference at the Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove in Asheville, North Carolina. Focusing on medical diagnosis and treatment, this site is a wealth of information for medical professionals going abraod. You can download notes, powerpoint presentations, and audio from previous seminars starting in 1997.
Visit here early on to find out everything you will need to know regarding travel notices, safety and security, things to keep in mind when preparing for travel, diseases and vaccinations, tips on staying healthy while in the country, things to keep in mind when returning home, etc. An invaluable resource not to be missed!
Consular information sheet from the US State Department. Focused from the perspective of an American traveling abroad, this site provides information on entry/exit requirements, safety and security, crime prevention, embassy information, etc.
This ~170 page manual is a comprehensive guide on HIV/AIDS and associated opportunistic infections (OIs). Obtained from the Joint Clinical Research Center in Uganda, this training manual is very comprehensive in scope with detailed information on the diagnosis and treatment of OIs.
The increase in global travel makes us ever more mindful of the importance of staying healthy while traveling. CDC Health Information for International Travel (the Yellow Book) was developed to provide up-to-date and comprehensive information on immunization requirements and health recommendations to protect and promote the health of international travelers. The Yellow Book is published every two years by CDC as a reference for those who advise international travelers of health risks. The Yellow Book is written primarily for health care providers, although others might find it useful. At this site there is a searchable directory and all chapters can be downloaded.
The Hesperian Foundation is a non-profit publisher of books and newsletters for community-based health care. Our first book, Where There Is No Doctor, is considered to be one of the most accessible and widely used community health books in the world. Simply written and heavily illustrated, Hesperian books are designed so that people with little formal education can understand, apply and share health information. Developed collaboratively with health workers and community members from around the world, our books and newsletters address the underlying social, political, and economic causes of poor health and suggest ways groups can organize to improve health conditions in their communities. In addition, Hesperian relies on a multi-faceted distribution strategy to ensure our materials reach those who need them most. Downloadable books include:
A Community Guide to Environmental Health, Where There Is No Doctor, Where Women Have No Doctor, A Book for Midwives, A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities, HIV Health and Your Community, Helping Children Who Are Blind, A Worker's Guide to Health and Safety, Cholera Prevention Fact Sheet, Sanitation and Cleanliness for a Healthy Environment, Water for life, Safe Handling of Health Care Waste, Women's Health Exchange, Global Health Watch 2005-2006, Global Health Watch 2, Where There Is No Dentist
A Community Guide to Environmental Health, Where There Is No Doctor, Where Women Have No Doctor, A Book for Midwives, A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities, HIV Health and Your Community, Helping Children Who Are Blind, A Worker's Guide to Health and Safety, Cholera Prevention Fact Sheet, Sanitation and Cleanliness for a Healthy Environment, Water for life, Safe Handling of Health Care Waste, Women's Health Exchange, Global Health Watch 2005-2006, Global Health Watch 2, Where There Is No Dentist

Delivering the facts to your fingertips, the “Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine” provides an accessible and comprehensive, signs-and-symptoms-based source of information on medical problems commonly seen in the tropics. A handy guide which can fit in the coat
pocket and be used easily at the bedside, it has been designed to be as practical as possible with illustrations of blood films and stool smears, which are useful for diagnosis, as well as clinical features, diagnosis, and management. Medical conditions are ordered by system except for the five major tropical conditions--malaria, HIV/STIs, tuberculosis, diarrhoeal diseases, and acute respiratory infections--and fevers. In this new edition the sections on malaria, cardiology, chest medicine, gastroenterology, mental health and dermatology have undergone major revision, and there is new material on altitude sickness, heat stroke, avian flu and fuller poisoning. There is a greater emphasis on pediatric medicine and public health throughout, and new illustrations and photographs have been included to aid with diagnosis. Small enough to throw in your rucksack, this unique handbook is the ultimate quick reference guide for all those working in the tropics.



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